Special Issue "Border Temporalities" with three contributions from the Center
The latest special issue of the journal Borders in Globalisation Review on "Border Temporalities in and Beyond Europe" contains three articles by Center members
European University Viadrina
The Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION is a Central Scientific Institution of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).
Borders aim to establish or maintain orders, be they specified in law, handed down through history, or expressed through symbols. Orders, in turn, cannot exist in the absence of border demarcations, whether in the form of lines on a map or as patterns for differentiation in people’s minds. The understanding that borders and orders must always be conceived of in dynamic interrelationships guides the work of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION. It initiates and bundles analyses concerning these interrelationships in the social, cultural, economic, and legal sciences.
Visitor address: Große Scharrnstraße 23a, D-15230 Frankfurt (Oder), Floor 4