Dr. Christian Wille


Senior Researcher and Head of the UniGR-Center for Border Studies

Gastwissenschaftler am Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION von Juni bis Sept. 2022

Partner des Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION

  • Spaces, Cultures, Identities
  • Border Theories, Border Complexities, Praxeology
  • Migrations, Bordered Everyday Life

Christian Wille (www.wille.lu) teaches cultural border studies and is a founding member of the working groups “Cultural Border Studies”, “Bordertextures”, “LABOR SwissLux - Labour across Borders” and a co-editor of the series “Border Studies: Cultures, Spaces, Orders” (Nomos). During his stay in Frankfurt (Oder), he works on the border complexities approach and finalizes with the Center B/ODERS IN MOTION a book project as a major outcome of the common project “Border Complexities” (2019-2022).