European Times/ Europäische Zeiten - A Transregional Approach to the Societies of Central and Eastern Europe (EUTIM)

Project description

Project lead:

  • Prof Dr Annette Werberger (Professor, European University Viadrina)

  • Prof. Dr Andrii Portnov, Professor of Entangled History of Ukraine, EUV

  • Prof. Dr Alexander Wöll, Chair of Literature and Culture of East Central Europe, University of Potsdam

Research team:

  • Claudia Dathe (coordination)

Cooperation partners:

Forum Transregional Studies in Berlin

Funding institution:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of the guideline for the promotion of regional studies (Area Studies)

Project duration:


Website of the joint project

Project description:

European Times/Europäische Zeiten – A Transregional Approach to the Societies of Central and Eastern Europe“ (EUTIM) is a joint project of the Chair of Eastern European Literature at the European University Viadrina, the Chair of Cultures and Literatures of Central and Eastern Europe at Potsdam University and the Forum Transregionale Studien in Berlin.

EUTIM takes a look at narratives of time and space at the edges of Europe. Based on historical experiences and ways of thinking in the societies of Central and Eastern Europe, EUTIM analyzes disparate concepts of “old vs. new” and “East vs. West” on a pan-European level, with a focus on the second half of the 20th century and the present. The research college takes a systematic and methodical look at these effects of non-simultaneity and shows how productive or destructive these regimes of temporality are used in institutions, arts, science and societies.

The cultural and historical sub-project, located at the European University Viadrina and carried out by a group of researchers headed by Annette Werberger and Andrii Portnov, questions, among other things, notions of stasis during the Cold War, as science itself was affected by processes of the hastily expected “Westernization” of temporality.

At the University of Potsdam, a group of young literary scholars led by Alexander Wöll is investigating arts in which inequalities have been attentively illustrated and texted.

The Forum Transregionale Studien is responsible for the area of communication, which facilitates forms of joint work, arranges transfer processes, disseminates research standpoints and results, and networks EUTIM transregionally.

The members of the research team at the European University Viadrina are:

Prof. Dr. Annette Werberger
Prof. Dr. Andrii Portnov
Dr. habil. Erik Martin
Elen Budinova
Ekaterina Grineva
Oleksii Isakov
Olga Tartygina
Ricarda Fait
The project is coordinated by Claudia Dathe.

The Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION supported the acquisition of this third-party funded project through the Seed Money funding of the project „Ungleichzeitigkeiten in der Moderne“.


Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION

European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Visitor address: Große Scharrnstraße 23a, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder), Floor 4