Dr. Andrea Meissner

Andrea Meissner

Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION

European University Viadrina
Scientific Manager of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION

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Current position:  
Since April 2013 Scientific Manager of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Past activity:  
2003-2013 Research Associate at the Chair of European Cultural History, University of Augsburg
Lecturer in European Cultural History and Modern History
Project coordinator for the implementation of the Bologna Process
Study advisor, programme coordinator and module coordinator
2011-2012 Research Associate at the Chair for the History of the European-Transatlantic Cultural Area, University of Augsburg
Project coordinator for the development of a Master's degree programme


Research Associate at the Chair of Modern History/Focus on the 19th Century at Humboldt University Berlin
Lecturer in Modern History at the Institute of History at Humboldt University Berlin

Nov. 2005 PhD at the Faculty of Philosophy I of the Humboldt University Berlin
Published in 2009 as "Die Nationalisierung der Volksschule. Geschichtspolitik im Niederen Schulwesen Preußens und des deutschsprachigen Österreich, 1866 bis 1933/38", Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2009.
Nov. 1997 Degree Magistra Artium (M.A.) at the Freie Universität Berlin
1993-1997 Student of Modern History, Political Science and Sociology at Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt University of Berlin
1991-1993 Student of history, German studies and political science at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg i.Br.
1991-1996 Scholarship holder of the Bayerische Begabtenförderung


Uni-Gebäude Große Scharrnstraße 23 a (GS)
Große Scharrnstraße 23 a
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
  • GS 411

+49 335 5534 2880 meissner@europa-uni.de