Transfer projects

Transfer projects

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Exhibition "Border Violence and the Viadrina in the 1990s"

The teaching research project on right-wing violence, which was pursued over several semesters, culminated in the exhibition "Border Violence and the Viadrina in the 1990s". Six large display panels relate the history of the opening years of the Viadrina to the history of racist and right-wing extremist attacks in Frankfurt (Oder) and illustrate this using historical images and text material. In cooperation with civil society organisations for victim counselling and right-wing extremism prevention as well as various East German universities, the exhibition has already been made accessible to the non-university public in Cottbus and Magdeburg in addition to Frankfurt (Oder). Further venues are planned for the future.

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Border Information Points (GIP)

The aim of the Interreg-funded GIP project is to develop cross-border information and advisory services for people and companies operating across the border in the Polish-German border region, thereby promoting development potential for the entire Polish-German interdependence area. The project combines research and practice in an exemplary manner and ensures a direct transfer of scientific findings. The pilot project is scientifically monitored and evaluated by the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION.

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Border scout study

The study "Inventory and potential analysis of border scouts" provides an overview of cross-border counselling services in German border regions. It provides a scientific basis for the development of a federal government strategy to improve cooperation in border regions, as agreed in the 2021 coalition agreement. The study was prepared by the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office and published as a working paper of the Centre in open access.

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Cross-border services of general interest

In the EU co-financed project "Science and practice in dialogue: How do cross-border services of general interest and civic participation work in the Euroregion Pro Europa Viadrina?", the topic of services of general interest is being discussed in a cross-border, inter- and transdisciplinary manner. The focus is on knowledge exchange and transfer - on the one hand between science and regional and municipal practice and on the other hand within and between border regions in the EU. The status, barriers and potentials of cross-border services of general interest - namely in the areas of transport, education, health and civil protection - will be examined and political learning, transfer and innovation processes from or to other EU border regions will be traced.

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"Linking Borderlands"

The research results of the BMBF-funded joint project "Linking Borderlands" are of high (educational) political and economic relevance for the further development of the German-Polish and other border regions. Central results have been and will be communicated in round tables, public forums and a large number of publications in politics and administration as well as to important stakeholders (schools, business associations, companies, etc.) in order to be incorporated into decision-making processes.

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