Teaching projects

Teaching projects

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Teaching research project "Border Violence and the Viadrina in the 1990s"

At the same time as the founding of the European University Viadrina, a wave of right-wing violence broke out in Frankfurt (Oder) in the 1990s. The university, its students and staff were also affected on an institutional and private level. The exhibition "Border Violence and the Viadrina in the 1990s", which was developed as part of a multi-semester research seminar, examines the racist and right-wing attacks in Frankfurt (Oder) after the opening of the border between Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. Using archive material and media reports, the exhibition draws attention to this often forgotten perspective and questions the public positioning of the newly founded European University.

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Bild_Sommerschule2022_GLocalEast_Copy LindaPaganelli TEASER

"Developing a new curriculum in Global Migration, Diaspora and Border Studies in East-Central Europe" (GLocalEAst)

A consortium of six European universities and ten associated international partners jointly developed a new curriculum and new teaching materials in the field of migration, diaspora and border studies with a focus on Eastern and Central Europe. The results of the project were tested in a pilot summer school at the centre and are available in an NGO-oriented Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The project was funded by the EU as part of the Erasmus Plus programme. In addition to the EUV, the following were involved as full partners: Comenius University in Bratislava, Alma Mater Studiorium - University of Bologna, Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, University of Zagreb and University of Belgrade.

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Teaching research project "A still divided sky? Germany's East and West, thirty years after reunification"

Interdisciplinary teams of academics and students from Frankfurt (Oder), Berlin and Paris carried out socio-anthropological, geographical, political and cultural analyses in a joint field research project in four villages on the former inner German border. Participant observation and interviews were used to analyse the continuing impact and changing meaning of the former border.

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Exchange program with the University of Priština

As part of a teaching project funded by the European Commission's Erasmus+ program, the European University Viadrina is cooperating with the University of Priština to research border-related topics. The exchange program gives lecturers and students from both universities access to a joint teaching program and promotes the development of their own research projects in close cooperation with academic mentors.

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