"Pensées Françaises Contemporaines" - Visiting Professorships

The effectiveness of EU law in the crisis of the European Union - Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Project lead:

  • Prof. Dr Timm Beichelt (Professorship holder, European Studies, EUV)

Funding institution:

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Project duration:

WiSe 2015/16 - SoSe 2016 (visiting professor Bruno Amable); WiSe 2016/17 - SoSe 2017 (visiting professor Nicolas Offenstadt)

Project description:

The project "Pensées Françaises Contemporaines" strengthens the examination of the diversity of French academic thought in teaching and research at the Viadrina. Thanks to DAAD funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), two academics from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne were able to take up visiting professorships at Viadrina:

Prof. Dr Bruno Amable

DAAD Visiting Professor at the Master of European Studies of the EUV in the winter semester 2015/16 and in the summer semester 2016

Bruno Amable, formerly Professor of Economics at the Université Paris 1, held several courses in the fields of political economy and economic policy, institutional economics and the various forms and manifestations of capitalism as part of his one-year visiting professorship at the Viadrina. Since August 2016, Bruno Amable has held a Professorship at the Département d'Histoire, Économie et Société of the Université de Genève.

Dr. habil. Nicolas Offenstadt

"Pensées Françaises Contemporaines" visiting professor at the EUV in the winter semester 2015/16 and summer semester 2016 and DAAD visiting professor at the Master European Studies at the EUV in the winter semester 2016/17 and summer semester 2017

Nicolas Offenstadt is a lecturer in medieval history and medieval studies at the Université Paris 1. As holder of the Viadrina Visiting Professorship, he offered courses on the memory of the First and Second World Wars as well as on the historical-political instrumentalisation of history in Germany, France and Eastern Europe. The seminar "Building Socialism. The example of Frankfurt (Oder)", the exhibition "Éclats DDR - RDA Splitter" emerged with an accompanying series of lectures at the Institut Français Berlin.

These third-party funded projects were successfully acquired as part of the seed money funding for the project development "Pensées Françaises Contemporaines - Die Transformation von Wissensordnungen und Wissensgrenzen".

Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION

European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Visitor address: Große Scharrnstraße 23a, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder), Floor 4