The Collective Bargaining and Representativeness of Temporary Workers in Europe. Development and Reinforcement of Industrial Relations Systems in Response to Changes in the European Labour Market
Project description
Project lead:
- PI: Roberto Pedersini, University degli Studi di Milano
EUV: Prof. Dr Jens Lowitzsch (Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, European University Viadrina)
Research team:
- Gyula Kocsis
Funding institution:
European Commission, Directorate-General EMPL Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Project duration:
December 2014 - May 2016
Project description:
A sub-project was carried out at the Viadrina as part of a network coordinated by the Italian research organisation Centro di Studi Sociali Economici e Sindacali (CESOS) srl Impresa Sociale. The project was dedicated to the challenges for the European system of industrial relations resulting from the upheavals on the European labour market. Accelerated by the euro and financial crisis, there has been an increasing spread of atypical labour contracts. This has also led to a shifting of boundaries on the labour market, particularly between normal and atypical employment relationships. Employer and employee organisations as representatives of industrial relations must face up to the challenges posed by digitalisation and the dynamic new forms of work based on the division of labour.
During the 18 months of funding, the project initially recorded the current situation of the various groups of temporary employees and explored their representation. To this end, the situation in the countries of the applicant institutions was analysed. Based on data from Eurostat and discussions with experts and representatives of the social partners, the aim was to recognise patterns and identify weaknesses in the industrial relations system with regard to temporary, atypical employment contracts. Finally, recommendations and strategies were formulated to improve protection in temporary employment relationships and temporary work.
The sub-project was successfully acquired as part of the Seed Money funding for the project development "New B/Orders of Social Europe in the Course of the Euro Crises - Property, the Welfare State and Distributive Justice".