State Borders and Migration in Digital Times (International Summer School 2021)

Project description

Project lead:

Funding institution:


Project duration:

16.08 - 28.08.2021 - digitalised


Leutloff-Grandits, Carolin/ Cyrus, Norbert / Goldstein, Asher (eds.) (2023): Borders and Migration in Digital Times. Baden-Baden: NOMOS. (work in progress)

Project description:

August 16 - 28, 2021
European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

Thematic focus of the summer school

The summer school "Borders and Migration in Digital Times" offered 35 master and post-graduate students including Ph.D.-candidates an opportunity to explore how policies and practices of border demarcation and migration management are influenced and changed by the availability and use of digital technologies.

Starting with this interrelationship concerning the digital dimension of migration, in this 3rd summer school of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION (funded by the German Academic Exchange Service - DAAD) we generated a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the relevance and use of digital technologies in multilevel processes which reshape the notion and location of the border itself and the way in which migration is dealt with.
The summer school drew attention to the digital aspects of border surveillance and border crossing, migration management and migrant agency. The summer school scrutinises specific concepts like border regime, digital borders, autonomy of migration and digital infrastructures.

About the program

The summer school's programme combined various formats which facilitate the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge and skills:

  • In lectures by renowned scientists from the fields of border, migration and digital studies, participants will delve into the core aspects of the summer school and discuss with these scholars as well as the scientists from the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION.
  • In an audio-visual workshop accompanied by small mentored working groups, participants will be taught how to design and produce digital contributions in audio or video format.
  • Participants with an already developed research focus on digital borders and migration management will have the chance to share their own research projects or ideas within speed presentations

Public Lectures:
Sarah Green (University of Helsinki) (16.08.2021, 15.30-17.00 p.m.)
Digital Borders and the Nonhuman: on the surveillance of animal movements and zoonotic diseases across the Mediterranean
Recording can be found in the Viadrina Media Portal

Annalisa Pelizza (Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies at the University of Bologna University of Bologna and University of Twente) (23.08.2021, 14.05-15.05 p.m.)
Digital migration management as "alterity processing". Evidence from the European border(s)

Vassilis Tsianos (Applied University of Kiel) and Brigitta Kuster (Humboldt University Berlin) (25.08.2021, 14.05-15.05 p.m.)
Technologies of Flight. On Recognition, Denial, Capturing and the (Under)Commons of Migration and the European Borderregime

Further Lectures:
Philipp Hacker (European New School of Digital Studies, European University Viadrina)
Algorithmic Discrimination and Algorithmic Fairness

Bastian Vollmer (Catholic University of Applied Sciences Mainz)
The unsmart application of smart border control technologies

Götz Herrmann (University of Paderborn)
Sociotechnical imaginaries of the border

Estela Schindel (European University Viadrina)
Human/Non-human hybrids at the border: The racialising assemblage

Kira Kosnick (European University Viadrina)
Why gender and sexuality matter in European migration and border management

Dr Norbert Cyrus (Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, European University Viadrina)
Contested Migration - A Review of Conflict Lines

Carolin Leutloff-Grandits (Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, European University Viadrina)
The Management of borders and migration in Europe's Southeastern "Backyard"

Jan-Hendrik Passoth and Silvan Pollozek (European New School of Digital Studies, European University Viadrina)

Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION

European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)

Visitor address: Große Scharrnstraße 23a, 15230 Frankfurt (Oder), Floor 4