Agricultural Systems of the Future DAKIS - Digital Knowledge and Information System for Agriculture


Project lead:

  • Prof. Dr Sonoko Bellingrath-Kimura, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V., Müncheberg
  • For the work package „Agri Digital Law“: Prof. Dr Ines Härtel, Chair of Public Law, Administrative, European, Environmental, Agricultural and Food Law, EUV

Funding institution:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) / Project Management Jülich (PTJ)

Project duration:


DAKIS website

Project description:

The aim of the Digital Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (DAKIS) research project approved by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is to secure the future of agriculture under the challenges of climate change, food security, sustainability and economic efficiency. The existing and expected potential of digitalisation, including robotics, in the field of future-oriented agriculture is to be researched and the information/knowledge gained integrated into a holistic, digital information and decision-making support system (digital platform). In this way, agricultural land use in the context of multi-layered interests can be brought into greater harmonisation with ecosystem performance and biodiversity.

In this context, instruments are being developed to optimise support for agricultural planning, production and marketing processes as part of farm management. Prof Dr Ines Härtel is responsible for the important legal framework and implications of this innovative concept. Central legal points of reference are agricultural law, agri-environmental law, agricultural digital law –  de lege lata and de lege ferenda. Selected publications on tis are:

Ines Härtel: Agricultural Digital and Data Law, erscheint in: Jörg Dörr/Matthias Nachtmann (Hrsg.): Handbook Digital Farming, Digital Transformation for Sustainable Agriculture.

Ines Härtel: Agricultural Law 4.0 - Digital Revolution in Agriculture, erscheint in: Walter Frenz (Hrsg.): Handbook Industry 4.0.

Ines Härtel, Agrar-Digitalrecht für Agrarsysteme der Zukunft, in: Automatisierungstechnik 2021, S. 278-280

Ines Härtel, Agrar-Digitalrecht für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft 4.0, in: Natur und Recht 2019, pp. 577-586.

This third-party funded project was successfully acquired as part of the Seed Money funding of the project „AGREU 2020 - Agricultural Law Reform of the European Union 2020. The future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the legal regulation structures of the European Union” at the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION.


Prof Dr Ines Härtel