Border violence and the Viadrina in the 1990s [GrenzGewalt und die Viadrina in den 1990er Jahren]


Project lead:

  • Dr. des. Maria Klessmann (European University Viadrina)
  • Georg Hartmann (European University Viadrina)
  • Ronja Kroll (European University Viadrina)
  • Florian Grundmüller (Georg-August University of Göttingen)




Cooperation partners:

  • Opferperspektive e.V.

  • Förderverein zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Viadrina e.V.

  • Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus - Senftenberg (Chair of Methods and Theories of Social Work with a focus on community work and the prevention of right-wing extremism)

Project description:

Simultaneously with the founding of the European University Viadrina, a wave of right-wing violence broke out in Frankfurt (Oder) in the 1990s. Neo-Nazi terror also affected the private and institutional lives of the university’s students and staff. The exhibition "Border Violence and the Viadrina in the 1990s" [„GrenzGewalt und die Viadrina in den 1990er Jahren“], which was developed as part of a multi-semester research seminar, deals with the racist and right-wing attacks in Frankfurt (Oder) after the opening of the border between Poland and Germany. Drawing from archive material and media reports, the exhibition highlights this often forgotten perspective and questions the public positioning of the newly founded, European-oriented university. In particular, the exhibition sheds light on the experiences of violence and discrimination of the university's students and staff and the subsequent reactions within the institution. The research project forms the starting point for further research into right-wing extremist violence at Brandenburg universities in the 1990s.


Event dates

Event dates

The exhibition "GrenzGewalt und die Viadrina in den 1990er Jahren“ will be on display in cooperation with the Institute for Communal Studies (KWI) at the University of Potsdam.The exhibition opening will take place on 9 December at 4 pm in the foyer of House 6 at the University of Potsdam.

Exhibition "GrenzGewalt und die Viadrina in den 1990er Jahren" at schauwerk (Breiter Weg 28, 39104 Magdeburg) (in cooperation with the Otto-von-Guericke University and the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal; on-site organization Hendrik Weiner, OVGU Magdeburg)

Discussion event on universities and right-wing violence at in:takt (Breiter Weg 32-34, 39104 Magdeburg) with subsequent exhibition opening at schauwerk (Breiter Weg 28, 39104 Magdeburg)

Lecture by Maria Klessmann and Ronja Kroll entitled "‘Die Europa-Universität gibt nicht auf’ Die neu gegründete Viadrina zwischen Aufbruch und Rechtsextremismus" as part of the book presentation "Geschichte(n) von Stadt und Universität: Frankfurt an der Oder und die Viadrina" edited by Felix Töppel and Klaus Weber, EUV

Lecture by Florian Grundmüller and Maria Klessmann entitled "Rechter Alltag. Wie setzt sich die neugegründete Viadrina in den 1990er Jahren mit rechter Gewalt auseinander?" as part of the lecture series "(East German) universities in dealing with right-wing extremism", BTU Cottbus

Exhibition "GrenzGewalt und die Viadrina in den 1990er Jahren" in the Gräfin-Dönhoff Building of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)

Exhibition "GrenzGewalt und die Viadrina in den 1990er Jahren" at the BTU Cottbus (in cooperation with Heike Radvan and Susanne Dhyr, BTU Cottbus)

Panel discussion "Nur die schweren Fälle kommen an die Öffentlichkeit" with Hannes Püschel (Opferperspektive e.V.), Kamil Majchrzak (Human Rights Lawyer), Janine Nuyken (Vice President of the EUV)

Exhibition "GrenzGewalt und die Viadrina in den 1990er Jahren" in the Gräfin-Dönhoff Building of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)


Dr des. Maria Klessmann

Academic assistant