Book Release: M. Grujić: Belonging in Unhomely Homelands

Marija Grujić: Belonging in Unhomely Homelands. Internal Displacement and Gendered Nationalism among Kosovo Serbs (Articulating Journeys: Festivals, Memorials, and Homecomings, Vol 5). New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2025

ISBN: 9781805398219

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Supported by: Berghahn Open Migration and Development Studies initiative


About the book

Over two decades ago, Kosovo Serbs faced displacement due to ethnic conflict and tensions. Using their rich biographical narratives and intersectional analysis, this book provides insight into the nuanced ways individuals navigate their sense of place, sense of loss and belonging during times of upheaval and the rise of nationalism, with connections to territoriality of homeland as central to identity. This book uses a feminist approach to examine the intricate dynamics of gender, national affiliation and belonging in the context of internal displacement and territorial disputes faced by Kosovo Serbs. It presents the multifaceted realities of prolonged displacement and the uncertainties of return, both in spatial and temporal terms.

About the author

Marija Grujić is a Walter Benjamin Fellow at the European University of Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and a member of the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION. She was a researcher at the International Centre for Migration Policy Development in Vienna and has volunteered as a caseworker at leading refugee charities including the British Refugee Council and the Helen Bamber Foundation in London.

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